Disney's Tarzan: Untamed (known as Disney's Tarzan: FreeRide in Europe) is a 2001 action-adventure video game released by Ubisoft Montreal for the PlayStation 2 and was a launch title for the GameCube. However, their lives are threatened once again by a brutal band of British explorers led by the unscrupulous OswaldGardner, who becomes fascinated with Tarzan and strives to capture the ape-man and take him back to England as a media attraction. Picking up quite a while after the defeat of Clayton, Jane and Professor Porter now speak Gorilla-language fluently and Jane is married to Tarzan. It does not appear in any subsequent games in the series, due to Square Enix's failure to acquire the required rights from the family of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Tarzan's home, "Deep Jungle", is a playable world in the Disney/Square Enix video game Kingdom Hearts released for PlayStation 2 in 2002.
Minimum system
- Processor= 400MHz
- RAM= 64MB
- Graphics Card= 16MB
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Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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